To those who follow my blog religiously ....

Can you follow my blog religiously if I don't post religiously?

It has become clear to me that I am not a very good blogger or facebooker. I have my days, weeks .... moments. But I am in no way consistent and if you follow my blog you know this. I'd say that I lack the discipline, but I don't think that's the case. I am very disciplined in other aspects of my life - to the point that I get accused of being obsessed, addicted, a maniac, an animal, a machine - these are a few of the terms that have been used with me. Negative connotation or not - I don't mind any of those terms being attached to me with regards to my "gym" routine. In fact, I'm quite proud of my level of dedication and the pay off that I am receiving as a result. But a blogger I am not. Nor will I ever be called a blogger by anyone ...(SHOUT OUT ALERT!) ... other than my good friend Tim "Jimmy".

I admire those of you who are dedicated and commited to keeping us all up to date with your goings-on. But I must apologize for my own lack of commitment. Honestly, I just don't think I have anything exciting or entertaining to say. And my average day is just that - average. No one wants to hear about that - and if you do, please check out the Butterfly Girls blog. (Oh, that's another shout out of sorts!)

To my good friends who have amazing blogs - keep up the good work. To those of you who post infrequently - I get it and I empathize.

That's it. I really just wanted to post and didn't have a darn thing to say- so I made this whole thing up.

1 comment:

Lyndee W. said...

Aww, I love ya Maria! I admit there are times when I wonder if you fell off the earth {or were translated}, but then I just keep checking back and know that you'll update sometime. You know I post everyday...hope you keep track!