i love a good book

How can people not like to read? There are actually people among us who don't enjoy reading! Can you believe it? I just don't understand it!
I just love a good book. You know the kind where you are hooked from page one and dread the moment you have to put it down? I can't think of anything better (obviously, if hard pressed, I could, but please allow me to be dramatic to get my point across) than a book that pulls you in and keeps you enthralled until the end - and you don't want to work or shower or sleep or eat (or do homework!) or do anything, but read! This is my current predicament.
I can't pinpoint what it is about a book that gets me so drawn in - in fact, it's often different with each book. And I can be sucked into books that themselves are so diverse. Last year it was a medical history book. A few weeks ago a fictional novel. Last week it was a historical novel. This week it's another fictional novel. Next week - who knows? But I am excited to find out.
I'm sure I'll finish Child 44 soon and I'll be both excited to have finished and sad to be done. Then I'll move onto something else and I can only hope that it captivates me like the many wonderful books I read before it.

1 comment:

Lyla said...

I have always been that way, as have most of our family. also my kids have inherited that "book gene" or whatever it is. We have always said that books are our drug of choice. The only irritating thing is when someone else is caught up in a book and you are living wiyh them because they are basically disfunctional, especially Taylor.
Love ya, Lyla Lyn